Media Communication Guidelines
GBBA (LOCAL) Media Communication Guidelines Tatum ISD
Administrative Guidelines are defined as the processes and procedures that ensure the district operates in alignment with district goals, beliefs, and policy. Guidelines do not stand in place of Board Policy but must be complied with in accordance with policy BP (Local). District’s guidelines are developed by the
Superintendent or designee.
Contact: Superintendent/Designee
The purpose of this regulation is to define criteria for communication with both print, marquee request and televised media outlets when speaking or promoting on behalf of the district or a campus. Use of the media is encouraged as a means for showcasing the district/campus and communicating with our local community.
Any employee contacted by the media, told that the media will be contacted, or submitting a story/event to the media are required to notify their supervisor. Supervisors are then expected to notify the campus principal and the human resource department.
Notification to the communications department is critical for the central coordination of media coverage, to avoid duplication of news items, maintain a consistent publicity policy, compile a file of releases for future reference and serve as a protection to the schools.*Policy GBBA (Local) In addition, it provides opportunity for showcasing district/campus news through district publications and broadcasts.
Marquee Request:
Any employee requesting a posting on the district’s marquee must submit in writing the request to the superintendent’s secretary. From that point, it is approved by the superintendent/designee. The request must meet the following guidelines for all postings on marquees throughout the district.
- Must be related to existing/current staff member(s) involvement in or with school activity
- Must be related to existing/current student(s) involvement in or with school activity
- Must be related to event(s) pertinent to campus or district
*Due to limited amount of time, the marquee is limited to specific information.*
Social Media Guidelines
The Tatum ISD Facebook Page and Twitter accounts are generated as a service for the parents, students, staff and community of the district/campus. The HR Department maintains and updates this page to share student and staff achievements, upcoming events, emergency information,1st responders,military,county/city events,Tatum alumni and other timely news.
Fan Comments on Posts and Pictures
Page administrators reserve the right to remove any comments (especially those deemed inappropriate or malicious) at any time, for any reason. The intent of this policy is not to censor negative or critical information but to protect the rights and privacy of Tatum ISD students and staff.
What Comments Will Be Removed?
We will remove comments that. . . .
- Break the law or encourage others to do so.
- Contain abusive or inappropriate language or statements.
- Identify students and/or staff in defamatory, abusive or negative terms.
- Disregard or disrespect another's privacy or may offend or provoke others.
- Contains false information .
- Are spams (i.e. repeatedly posting the same comments that advertise or promote a service or product).
If a person continues to post inappropriate comments, we reserve the right to remove him/her as a fan of our page.
Only authorized personnel may grant interviews to media in accordance with the chart below. Authorized personnel may assign a designee as appropriate. Any interview beyond standard practice (as measured by authorized personnel) requires notification to the HR Department by the authorized personnel prior to the interview being conducted.