Tatum Athletics
Stadium Info & Directions
Directions can be found using the interactive Google Map below
The directions below will take you to the visitor parking area which is located on the east side of the stadium. Visitor entrance is at the southeast corner of the stadium.
After arriving, please continue north on Jefferson and proceed through the gate and stay to the right to enter the visitor parking area.
Our Athletic Staff

Whitney Keeling
Athletic Director / Head Football Coach
Leven Barker
Girls Athletic Coordinator
Booster Club Information

Booster Club
Electronic Forms
Tatum ISD Athletic Forms are now available online by clicking on the link below called Tatum ISD Athletics Parent Portal.
If you have any questions, you may contact Jenny Spearman at spearmanj@tatumisd.org - or call 903-947-0172.
Jenny Spearman, MS/LAT/ATC
Head Athletic Trainer